Radiant Energy Transformation


Some extremely basic information about converting radiant energy into ordinary electricity:

That was just pure BS information, and even false. That information is only available to Web surfers when searching for Radiant Energy Transformation. We can ignore that BS information.

What form of energy is radiated energy?

Radiant energy is the form of energy produced from dielectric elasticity in Ether, which is type of longitudinal elasticity, like longitudinal waves. After the stimulation and resonance process, the energy due to dielectric elasticity will increase dramatically.

But the type of radiant energy is said to be electromagnetic waves, radio waves, cosmic rays are just dielectric energy. This is just the form of electrostatic energy due to the tension of the dielectric in the Ether.

A little bit about Ether:

The dielectric field is Ether in a different way. If Ether in the same way is water:

Magnetism is the movement of water, such as a clockwise magnetic vortex surrounding a wire.

The dielectric is "ice", if the ice has elastic properties. It is Ether in an altered state.

Theory of Radiant and Dielectric Energy: Radiant Energy Generator

Theory of dielectric and capacitance: DIELECTRICITY & CAPACITANCE by Eric P. Dollard

All those documents were hidden by capitalism. It was created to serve the elite. Nikola Tesla, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Albert Einstein (plagiarist to create the theory of relativity), they are famous people working for the elite (capitalism) but the thing is that Albert Einstein was created by " capitalism, "to conceal and suppress Tesla's technology.

The star of science who operates the AC power system in the middle - Charles Proteus Steinmetz:

Charles Proteus Steinmetz is the star of science in the period of producing "science witches", Tesla and Einstein stand by.

I quote this to let everyone believe that the dielectric and Ether material is a "classic" and correct document, it is used by capitalism, while general education teaches program others: quantum physics and relativity, with the old Maxwell's equations leading.

How can radiant energy be converted?

Radiant energy can be used directly to light bulbs, run DC motors in an electrostatic form (that is, not excited), and many other pure battery-powered devices. Note that with the AC electric motor, the radiant energy is in the form after stirring (excitation, Ether elastic magnetic resonance), radiant energy in the form of radiant electricity, in the form of pulses, with high frequencies. . Therefore it is not suitable for synchronous AC electric motors (preferably 50 - 60Hz). So it is necessary to convert it to AC 50 - 60Hz.

Converts radiant energy into alternating current (AC power)

The easiest way to convert:

Use radiant energy generators to charge the battery bank (a large battery system). Then use the electricity stored in the battery to convert it into 50Hz AC power through the inverter.
  • An inverter is a device that converts the electricity in a battery into pure sine wave AC.
  • The radiant energy is very suitable for charging batteries.
radiant energy be converted by Inverter battery
Inverter Battery

The second simple conversion: Using a parallel-connected LC oscillator

LC oscillating circuit

Select parameters L and C such that f = 50 Hz or f = 60Hz - according to AC electrical standards. Where f is the frequency calculated by the formula:


π approximately 3.14

That means radiant energy will be fed to the capacitor so that the LC oscillating circuit oscillates at 60Hz, then coil L will become the primary winding of the transformer. The circuit will not be as simple as the picture above. But basically, it is relying on an LC oscillator to generate alternating current.

The picture illustrates the oscillation LC, with coil L as the primary winding of the transformer:

Convert radiant energy into any type of electricity - in just one box - engineer Moray's way

We can build radiant energy generators in the way of T. Henry Moray according to the two drawings below:

in just one box - engineer Moray's way

Radiant Energy - Stimulator to resonate
Stimulator to resonate

engineer Moray's way

engineer Moray's way

Stimulator to resonate
Stimulator to resonate

The difficult thing is to make a stimulator to resonate in the Ether elastic. See the principle of "Ether elasticity" and free energy: Ether and free energy

In the pictures above, that is the invention that Moray announced. However, many other Moray documents are being suppressed by the energy monopolies. We need a box (device) that generates radiant energy and in that box can extract arbitrary forms of AC, DC electricity. It is an ancient Moray invention discovered by the Free Energy team.

Convert radiant energy into any type of electricity...
Practical guide - in just one box - engineer Moray's way
✰* Revealed At LastAncient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's Energy from Ether in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 
  • And many other plans for Free Energy.


Thomas Henry Moray 6733585075886504717

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