Introduction RADIANT ENERGY by Thomas Henry Moray
RADIANT ENERGY --- The term Moray has used to describe that source of energy coming from the cosmos to earth and radiating from the earth back from whence it came. This is the energy the Moray device captures and could be described as those particles of energy pervading all space. In the evolution of energy and the evolution of matter these particles of matter and energy (one and the same) manifest under certain conditions as pure energy and under others as pure matter. Radiant Energy from the cosmos, like radiant particles of matter, being composed of an infinitesimal quantity whose behaviors are described by mathematical equations similar to those used for describing electrical waves, keeping in mind to differentiate between wavelength and frequency. Radiant Energy is particles of energy, just as light is wavelengths and particles are comparable to the electron and magneton: a ring of negative electricity traveling in a vortex with the speed of light, streams of energy quanta, each quantum having energy and momentum where the electron revolves around the proton at a distance equal to the electron radius.
To summarize: Radiant Energy as herein used is that energy existing in the luminiferous medium of the universe, kinetic and exercised in wave transmission and rendered sensible by conversion of its energy into a detectable frequency. In the final analysis, Radiant Energy is a means of using the energy released by the fissionable reactions taking place in the stellar crucibles of the universe.
- RADIANT ENERGY in Ether: Ether and free energy
- Theory by RADIANT ELECTRICITY: Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy
Practical guide
✰* Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
✰* Ancient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
- Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
- Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
- Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
- Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity
- And many other plans for Free Energy.
Thomas Henry Moray - RADIANT ENERGY DEVICE - "Endless Light"
This wonderful biography requires considerable examination of archetypes, their suffusive power, and the world in which they materialize. To comprehend the power and import of what Dr. Thomas Henry Moray truly discovered, we must pass through the waters of time most arcane, until we emerge fully prepared to appreciate the wonder of his find. Why this is so will become most apparent as we progress through the narrative. His story begins, strangely enough, in the sea of dreams and archetypes.
Histories, dreams, sagas. Told by ancient philosophers and bards, the great epics contained dim recollections from an archaic world. Singing the glories of lost kingdoms and lost civilizations, poets transported their listeners into another age. Hearing rhythmic elaborations of verse, ancient audiences glimpsed enchanted visions of towering mountains, fabled citadels, and magnificent cities. The bards brought them into the very portals of The Golden Age. Utopia. After hearing of them, the mysterious lost worlds seemed easy to reach.
Poets, bards, and historians provoked their listeners with symbols, images, and themes. Lives were always filled with a special sense of clarity, purpose, and direction after the bard sang. The telling of these long sagas provoked great inward excitement, stimulating aetherial hope and dream quest. In strong evocations of rhyme and verse, of mythos and pathos, individuals were infused with new and impassioned desire. The sagas remain the engine-works of civilization.
Shared archetypes activate human hearts toward specific desire. In the mouth of bards, each archaic saga initiated great and historically memorable human works. Lovers sought pure love, adventurers sought ultimate adventure, and travelers journeyed forth for unknown horizons. Seekers all. Seekers after the ideal world and its wonders.
Learn more at here: "Endless Light" Dr. Thomas Henry Moray